Architectural Photography
Commercial Photography / Location and Studio
Aerial Photography
Video Production
Large Format Printing / Displays, Trade Shows, Decor Art
Custom Wallpaper
Image Manipulation and Restoration

Design Photography was founded in 1979 as a commercial studio. From the beginning projects varied from small and large products to industrial and architecture. The business quickly grew and by the mid 80s Design Photography had moved into its third location which allowed for extensive growth. Features like drive-in studio access, a 50-foot cove wall, and a full service kitchen for food preparation by stylists opened the door for marketing to clients throughout the midwest. More business led to expanded lab facilities, and before long, Design Photography housed the largest most extensive film lab in the area. By the late 90s all eyes were on digital imagery and while the quality of camera generated files did not meet our needs nearly all jobs were being scanned and delivered digitally.
By 2002 the rapidly changing digital field demanded constant attention. Design Photography added its first digital camera to the arsenal and switched all of the printing from a wet process to digital. We began phasing out some of our film processing services and moved to a new facility better suited to the new digital era.
This new type of imagery quickly changed the boundaries of photography in ways that no one could predict, and as it evolved Design Photography focused more heavily on its architectural clients. Today Design Photography continues to service a variety of clients with a heavy emphasis in the architectural field.
Photography is derived from the Greek root words... photo – meaning light, and graphia – meaning writing or drawing. So in its most literal state, photography is the process of drawing or creating with light.
The camera is nothing more than a tool. It can take a picture, but cannot create an image. To do that it takes much more; An artist, a technician, a visionary. It requires a vast understanding of light, how to use it, and how to change it to create and tell the story you want to portray, often with one image. Of course there are many other elements that go into it like composition, color, and content. For us the single greatest element is light. That is what it has always been about.
Everyone is familiar with the saying, “a picture is worth 1000 words." Missing in that statement are the words "can be." A true photograph may be worth 1000 words, but many pictures say very little. At Design Photography, it has always been our goal to make every image we create speak volumes.
From its inception, Design Photography has focused on building solid relationships with regional, national and international clients by delivering creative images and exceptional service. We pride ourselves in understanding our clients' products and needs, and working with them closely to create images that are harmonious with their marketing goals. We have seen a great deal of change in nearly forty years of business. The constant that keeps Design Photography strong in the market is the same attention to detail, quality and service that has been a priority since day one, and the solid relationships that we have been fortunate enough to build with our amazing clients.